15 March 2012


of where this blog is going. It's been so long since I've last updated. I've grown lazy and unmotivated. To be honest, I don't see the point of updating sometimes. Who cares? What's the point? Why?

I use to love blogging, sharing my ideas, getting feedback, etc, etc. But those days seem like ages ago. Well, I shouldn't say "use to love blogging" because I still do blog, just not on blogger anymore. I've moved on to tumblr because it is SO MUCH EASIER TO USE, as it is cell phone friendly. :) Nowadays I can't stand sitting in front of the computer for long hours. My interests are now heavily invested in physical extracurricular activities. I still do little projects once awhile and I of course still do nail art. Besides, my digital camera is almost dead and obsolete and my phone doesn't suffice as a reliable photography source (doesn't have flash, go figure). I have been doing research and saving up for a new digital camera- something easy to travel with and takes great pictures.

I have been thinking about officially shutting this down yet at the same time, I feel as if I shouldn't...so I am uncertain at this point. Might update, might not. Who knows...still up in the air...


Trish said...

ack! i totally feel you! i havent been blogging at all since i've been so busy with work now a day! i miss having my free time & blogging about my travels which now rarely happens! & like you im just tumblring these days or on instagram, i wanted to shut down my blog too but then i feel like i still wanna go back to it just to read my past entries lol

Trish said...
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Trish said...

oh my super late response from your comment on my blog! clearly time has passed hahaha but my instagram is "trishreckless" =)

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