18 September 2009

Another trip to SF and more wedding stuff...

Well, it looks like I'm going up to San Fransisco this weekend! I'm super excited! This is a "last minute trip before school starts again" but the real reason why I'm going up there is to watch Wicked!

Yes, I know I didn't take advantage of the opportunity while it was in Los Angeles.

I am also going to check out the King Tut and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs Exhibition. I love ancient Egypt. In fact I almost considered studying Egyptology but then Psychology came along.

In the end, both are now located in one of my favorite cities which also gives me a legitimate reason to go up north. :) I will go ahead and post some pictures of corsages and center pieces that we spent 3 hours making for the wedding.

Here is a daisy corsage that I made which I also got to wear! :)

Box of lovely daisy and orchid corsages

My favorite! <3

More orchid corsages!

I absolutely love tiger lilies....and I could careless about roses...

This is so gorgeous!!! Made by Aunt Wendy.

Have a great weekend!


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